Keep your Elves busy with our free Christmas colouring sheets
Everyone knows how mischievous the North Pole elves can be. And if your little elves are anything like ours, the only way to keep them out of mischief is to keep them busy!
Take a look at our free printable Christmas colouring sheets – they’re super if you’re looking for easy Christmas crafts to keep your little ones entertained!
We’ve got a whole range of printables to choose from in our Fun Stuff To Do section. You can design your own pyjamas, sketch a snowman, colour a Christmas bauble and, of course, there are pictures of our Girl and Boy elves too.
Have a look at our other Christmas craft activities too – there’s all kinds. Make your own Christmas card, make Christmas paper chains or try one of our pen control activities. We’ve even got a selection of free printable certificates to add to your Elf Reward Kit.
Easily enough to keep your little imps out of mischief for a while!
We’d love to hear how you get on with your Christmas colouring sheets in our comments. Or even better, tag us in a photo of your little one’s completed sheets on Instagram or Facebook!